Sunday, 10 May 2009

My job was not my first love; but, after all the years dealing with it, I've fallen in love with it. Maybe I'm the lucky few who love their profession.
I don't mind handling difficult students or finding ways to make the teaching works. I'm still feeling excited if I can get workable ideas or methods to make my students work better. However, a colleague of mine has a rather low esteem of himself or his work. He is unhappy that teaching doesn't make the money a CEO can make.
But, is it that important? Well, again, I maybe the lucky few who have found many other things that are more beautiful than money. I'm also the lucky few who are thankful of what I've got and I hope that I can give more to the others. I want to make my life worth the journey I have travelled.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

What takes to build a good relationship? Honesty? I was taught that honesty was the best policy. But, now, I'm doubtful of this belief.

It's sad to say that we have to hide behind the facade when dealing with people.

At times, I'm afraid to be honest and I don't know whom I should be honest with. So, I've decided to keep quiet. I'm tired of talking especially to people I don't feel at ease with. Unfortunately,my job requires me to talk a lot; so, after work, I'll switch off. I don't even feel like talking unneccessary to people around me. Lately, I feel talking is a task.

People may think that I'm standoffish; but, I don't mind. I just can't please everyone. I think I make myself happier by stop talking too much.