So, to make myself happy is to forget about them temporary, even just take them off my mind for a few minutes, I'll feel relieved. Not to think about things that pull me down instead just think about things that make me smile. That's how I make my day. Rather pathetic, at times, but it's effective. Look at the pictures that I love, places that I've visited or I'll visit, and think about people whom I love, or bury myself into my research to avoid any unhappy thoughts. Well, that's how I pass my days.
Today is another disappointing day. Well, I just hope that today's defeat would serve as a good lesson for them. They may not feel good, that's for sure. But, I really hope that they can really seriously assess their performance and learn from their mistakes.
On the other hand, I maybe too optimistic to hope for changes. This is not the first defeat, instead it is the second one. But, they haven't learned anything from the first. That is disappointing.
Defeat is not failure; failure is never learn from past mistakes. I know they won't listen so I'm not going to nag at them anymore as I think I've said whatever I needed to.
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