Saturday, 8 August 2009

I'm lost in my routine. I don't really know whether I'm happy or unhappy. Sound pathetic with a tinge of loss.
I realise I'm moving in a cycle and I can't find an outlet to break away from it. Nobody can really understand my feelings; or, maybe I don't wish to share with anyone at all.
I don't think anyone would understand the pent-up mood and feelings I'm experiencing. Can I call it frustration? Disappointment? I don't know, really.
This lousy sense of loss is eating me. I should be satisfied with my life as a lot of people around would assume. Am I too greedy? I don't know? I don't think this kind of life satisfied me at all. What do I really want? Sometimes when I'm drowned with work and I can avoid people, I'll feel better. Yes, at times, I'm trying to escape from the people around me.

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